Why is it a journey?
Because, it leads you to your goal, the place where your new life is there waiting for you to live it. It’s the one you have been ignoring or neglecting, despite your knowing that your happiness is directly connected to it.
Like on any other journey, you have to know where you are going and have the vehicle, fuel, and directions to arrive at the destination.
Just like on a road trip to anywhere, you cannot go aimlessly wandering around, for that will cause delays or worse.
If you hit a detour, it must lead you back to the route that takes you to the goal, and with as little delay as possible.
Can it cause stress? Of course, it can, but it’s up to you to move a little and to leave your comfort zone. You can minimize stress knowing a few things.
- Stress is temporary.
- Stress can be controllable.
- Patience cures frustration.
- “Repetition is the mother of skill.” – Tony Robbins
- Criticism is not the answer.
- If you cannot do something, learn how or get someone who knows how to do it.
- Practice doesn’t make perfect, but the absence of practice is the reason fr the absence of skill.
Architects draw millions of lines in a career.
Every line is not perfect, but it is about communicating an idea.
Dimensioning brings about accuracy. In the computer age, programs have to be forced to make mathematical errors. Unless the software is corrupt or the operating system is defective, mathematical errors no longer enter in to the process.
Competency of the CAD operator is achieved through knowledge, practice, and experience.
The CAD operator is the extension of the mind of the designer, the architect.
The architect can use CAD, but the architect focuses on design and accuracy.
Accuracy beats perfectionism every single time.
The architect is the navigator of the journey from design to manifestation, from idea to execution of the idea, and from thoughts to physical reality.